watercolor Tag

Watercolor Essentials 2

This 4-week online watercolor course will build on what we learned in Watercolor Essentials 1. For anyone who would like to do the Watercolor Essentials 1 course, you can purchase it for $65 to go through the course on your own with the live recordings from

Watercolor Essentials Part 1 – 4 Self-Guided Lessons

In this self-guided course, we explore the essentials of watercolor. The course begins with getting a handle on the water to pigment ratio, the most important brushstrokes, and way to handle your brush and controlling values through the combination of these elements. From there we move

Lobed Arches: Painting in Marrakech

I want to share some of my watercolors from my recent trip to Marrakech with you. There are quite a few, so I thought to share them just a few at a time to better enjoy them and to tell their individual stories. The Lobed Arch,

Day 29: Know Thy Materials

Well, materials are more important than we think. The more I paint the more I become what some might call "picky", but really it is more like specific. What I mean is in today's painting the paper. I hate this paper! I don't want to sound like

Day 28: Take the Challenge

Today's painting was all about doing what I am not sure I can manage, just go ahead and take the challenge. And why not? What is there to loose? Nothing actually. There is only gain in doing things that are difficult, especially the ones you're not

Day 27: Those Roman Arches

So I am a few days behind on posting here to the blog, but I assure you that I have been out painting! This was painted at one of my favorite places near my house, a huge intersection where Ancient meets modern Rome, called Porta Maggiore,

Day 26: Look Up!

One of the best parts of living in a city is looking up, especially in Rome. Romans loved to build larger than life temples, causing us to feel tiny, even in their aftermath some 2,000 years later. In today's painting, done at the Theater of Marcellus,

Day 25: Fountains, Water & Sky

There are a few subjects that I adore and that I come back to time and time again. This fountain in the park near my studio is one of those subjects. I think I go back to it over and over because it is so complex-