Day 27: Those Roman Arches

Day 27: Those Roman Arches

So I am a few days behind on posting here to the blog, but I assure you that I have been out painting!

This was painted at one of my favorite places near my house, a huge intersection where Ancient meets modern Rome, called Porta Maggiore, or “The Large Gate”.

The Aqueduct, Porta Maggiore
Watercolor on Paper
6.5 x 10″
$115 | Available


This is such an exciting place and is where the allied troops entered into the city at the end of WWII. It not only a place of great historical significance here in Rome, but also so exciting for an artist in all the varied points of view you can capture this place from.

I love the play of light and shadow here, with the shadow of this modern building being cast on to the ancient aqueduct. I wanted an even longer piece of paper, the aqueducts just keep going.

Here I had to work a lot to decide how dark or light the shadow should be and then the insides of the arches were even darker, but not too too dark. A juggling act. As always.

  • Philippa

    January 31, 2017 at 12:22 am

    This is superb Kelly. And sunny!

  • Karen

    March 30, 2017 at 3:17 am

    You always do fantastic work. But especially I focus on your wonderful shadows …💖