Rome plein air Tag

What’s A Sketch For?

At the end of the year I sit and look through some of my sketchbooks, of which I have many. They are not really very organized, but I do keep separate sketchbooks for different themes and topics such as 1 for urban sketching, 1 for

A Painting A Day in April – Day One

Well, I know I have been down the painting a day road before. And somehow it never gets old, it is always a useful practice to return to. This month I have decided to do this painting a day project again for a number of reasons: to

Week 1 A Sketch A Day in August

I want to share a selection of sketches done over the past week. I thought that I would do more watercolors, but really I have enjoyed just picking up a pen or pencil and sketching, which I do, but not every day, so this has

A Sketch A Day for August

Usually this time of year, the heart of summer in Italy, is quiet down time and there is a general lull of silence everywhere you go. This is the time for most people to go on vacation, a much needed time for a little R &

A Large Studio Painting: The Journey is the Process

I wanted to share something that I am working on because it is a new process for me and is something that I am doing to push myself to another level and to learn a new process in the process.   Working on the charcoal study from

Feature Article on Color Harmony

I am happy to share with you a feature article I wrote for the UK magazine The Artist. The article is for painting geeks and is entitled, "Color Harmony in the Split Primary Palette." What that means is how to use a simple palette of just

Day 28: Take the Challenge

Today's painting was all about doing what I am not sure I can manage, just go ahead and take the challenge. And why not? What is there to loose? Nothing actually. There is only gain in doing things that are difficult, especially the ones you're not

Day 27: Those Roman Arches

So I am a few days behind on posting here to the blog, but I assure you that I have been out painting! This was painted at one of my favorite places near my house, a huge intersection where Ancient meets modern Rome, called Porta Maggiore,

Day 26: Look Up!

One of the best parts of living in a city is looking up, especially in Rome. Romans loved to build larger than life temples, causing us to feel tiny, even in their aftermath some 2,000 years later. In today's painting, done at the Theater of Marcellus,