Italian still life painting Tag

An Ode to Materials: New Painting Auction

To start off the year I will be offering smaller paintings twice a month via auction after having many requests for this. It is a great way to keep my hand and mind working, studying, experimenting and sharing along with being able to offer smaller

Do Plein Air Painters Always Paint in the Rain?

Do plein air painters paint even in the rain?I get that question a lot, it's a good curious question.The answer is yes! Mostly. Some days, more dictated by other circumstances than the weather, I do stay and work in the studio.Goldenrod and Sunflowers in the StudioWindow15x15"oil

Lessons in White

Back again at the easel after being taken by surprise with a knock-down drag-out flu. Whew, am I glad that's over.While I didn't have it in me to get out on the streets today, I did make it to the studio to paint a still life

Day 70; Cut to the Chase

I was thinking about this painting for a few days before I painted it today.I had a crystal clear idea that I wanted to paint a pair of scissors on a table. For me drawing and/or painting scissors has always been a measure of where

A Lemon and a Knife, the Primaries

A Lemon and a Knife, the Primaries6x8"Oil on Linen Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012At some point while working on this painting, I stepped back realizing that this was a painting about the primary colors with a balancing neutral middle tone inbetween.What does it mean? Why did

A Little (Wonky) Terra Cotta

Terra Cotta6x8"Oil on Linen Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Due to the crazy weather here in Rome, I've been spending more time than ever inside painting still lives, and I admit, it's pretty fun and a nice winter change.I've been into painting some handmade (i.e. wonky) objects

Summer Ingredients

Summer IngredientsOil on Panel6x8"© Kelly Medford, 2011Can you tell that I'm inspired by summer (and that I wish I had a vegetable garden)? Well, I am (and I do). And of course, when living in Italy, the best thing to think about besides ancient Rome