An Ode to Materials: New Painting Auction

An Ode to Materials: New Painting Auction

To start off the year I will be offering smaller paintings twice a month via auction after having many requests for this. It is a great way to keep my hand and mind working, studying, experimenting and sharing along with being able to offer smaller paintings at a more affordable price.

And auctions are fun!

So to start the year off, this painting will be the first available in my online auction beginning Sunday, January 5th and finishing Sunday, January 11th.

Brushes, Handmade Paper
Oil on Panel
20 x 30 cm

This is an oil painting of some of my beloved watercolor materials- a red squirrel mop brush with my favorite handmade Amalfi paper that I covet for painting in watercolor.

While getting materials together one day for going out to paint in watercolors I noticed these together with the bright whites and those delicate cast shadows of the string and just sat to paint this instead. I never made it out of the studio.

If you would like to participate in the auction and add this painting to your collection, the bidding will take place here.