Italian cityscape paintings Tag

A Painting A Day in April – Day One

Well, I know I have been down the painting a day road before. And somehow it never gets old, it is always a useful practice to return to. This month I have decided to do this painting a day project again for a number of reasons: to

A Large Studio Painting: The Journey is the Process

I wanted to share something that I am working on because it is a new process for me and is something that I am doing to push myself to another level and to learn a new process in the process.   Working on the charcoal study from

Day 27: Those Roman Arches

So I am a few days behind on posting here to the blog, but I assure you that I have been out painting! This was painted at one of my favorite places near my house, a huge intersection where Ancient meets modern Rome, called Porta Maggiore,

Old Rome, Trastevere

Trastevere, meaning across the Tiber river, is one of Rome's older neighborhoods. It has a wonderful rich history to accompany its rich aesthetic, full of life and rambling buildings which are squeezed together, with old on top of new and there are loads of little

Keeping Cool in Roman Summer, Fountains + Parks

It's July in Italy and that means hot. Hot like living inside of an oven. The best place to be when it's hot in the city is in a park, in the shade, and preferably near a fountain where you can dip your toes in

Rome Summer Storms + Studio Paintings Sale

Summer at the Aqueducts, Rome Oil on Arches Paper 9 x 12" $200 | Available Purchase Now This place, one that I return to over and over again, is one of Rome's magical places where time stands still. The light is different each time I visit and always offers something

Rome: Quiet Light

Maybe you think of my work as bright and bold- I am in love with the high contrast of Italian light and shadow after all. But since we've had a moody fall I took advantage of this quieter light to get out and paint. This industrial

Open Studio Brunch Sale

Please join me together with artist Sonia Cipollari for an open studio brunch sale We will be showing recent original watercolors and oil paintings. Light brunch style refreshments will be served Saturday, November 7 Noon- Five Studio Piano Creativo Circonvallazione Gianicolense, 420 Rome RSVP +39 3349835677

Watercolors & Oils: Orvieto

For the past year I have been using watercolor as a new medium with a different approach and way of working from my oil paintings. I travel a lot and sometimes it just is not practical for me to take my oil paints along, so watercolor