
What’s A Sketch For?

At the end of the year I sit and look through some of my sketchbooks, of which I have many. They are not really very organized, but I do keep separate sketchbooks for different themes and topics such as 1 for urban sketching, 1 for

A Painting A Day in April – Day One

Well, I know I have been down the painting a day road before. And somehow it never gets old, it is always a useful practice to return to. This month I have decided to do this painting a day project again for a number of reasons: to

Week 1 A Sketch A Day in August

I want to share a selection of sketches done over the past week. I thought that I would do more watercolors, but really I have enjoyed just picking up a pen or pencil and sketching, which I do, but not every day, so this has

A Sketch A Day for August

Usually this time of year, the heart of summer in Italy, is quiet down time and there is a general lull of silence everywhere you go. This is the time for most people to go on vacation, a much needed time for a little R &

Timeless Light in Rome’s Aqueducts

There is a place that I return to over and over again, that is Rome's aqueduct park or Parco degli Acquedotti. This is a theme and place that has been painted through the centuries and really it has not changed drastically over time. One can

What’s in a Sketch?

While traveling it's not always practical to bring my entire oil painting gear and sometimes it's more fun to just stalk a place, exploring its nooks and crannies. For me this is most fun with my watercolors and it all fits into a small bag.   Sketching

Plein Air Watercolors

Toady I just needed a break and to do something different. Watercolors! Watercolor is not the most practical medium to take around on a day like today where it is threatening rain because it takes so long to dry. I wasn't in any hurry though and was

Growth, Play + Experimentation

As an artist there is nothing more essential to our creativity and growth then to continually be learning, experimenting and exploring. But what is the best way to do this when by the nature of what we do is solitary? My answer to this question is