
A Rome Without Tourists

In this part of town called Garbatella, you won't find any tourists and even more rare are painters. The Red Arch, Garbatella Oil on Paper (mounted) 12 x 10" SOLD This is a place for working class people and they seem to all know that they've got a special place

Amazing Italian Towns

Italy is jam packed with gorgeous little towns running up hillsides as you travel throughout the country. One could spend their whole life travelling the country and never get to them all. Some seem more magical than others- whether it be all the history of people who

Not so Secret Painting Spots in Rome

I thought we had found the most magical (and secret) painting spot one morning.How it happened was we were in a hole in the wall coffee shop, getting geared up for painting rain or shine, when I spotted a faded poster on the wall of

Good Morning Pigneto

Nothing makes me jump out of bed like the sun shining in Rome. Fortunately that's just about everyday.This morning was no exception and I knew immediately where to paint, Pigneto.   Morning, Via del Pigneto 8x6" Oil on Linen Panel Sold This is my neighborhood and so I go up and down

Day 46: Back in the Saddle

Keeping up a daily practice is more than just a skill thing, it's a mental thing as well I discovered. It's taken me a few days and a group of throw away paintings to get back into the mixing and brushing on of paint- a little

Day 48: Be Prepared

The scout motto "Be Prepared" is exactly what came to mind while out painting today.Why?Rain.When the founder of The Scouts Baden-Powell created this motto he had 2 things in mind: to be prepared mentally and to be ready with everything you need. The motto literally

Day 49: Another Side of Rome

This is a part of Rome that I had yet to paint: the neighborhood Prati. I think of Prati as the upper west side of Rome. It's chic with wide boulevards lined with trees. It's dotted with nice cafes and businessmen on the go. When

Day 120: In the Courtyard, Garbatella

Now, I know I've written about Garbatella before and what a special place it is. So much so that I just had to go back there and paint some more.   Afternoon in the Courtyard, Garbatella 19x23 cm Oil on Panel SOLD What I love about this place is the light and

There’s A Special Place in Rome…

Now there's a really special place in Rome. I know, all places are special here, but chances are that unless you live here, you haven't made it to this one: Garbatella. Afternoon at the Fountain, Garbatella Oil on Linen Panel 10 x 12" Available What's so special about this place?