Lady Tools

Lady Tools

Oh pink, how we adore you!

These pink tools are a small sampling of a pink toolbox full of pink tools. I have been using these pink tools to do various work over the past weeks and realized just how silly this pink is. It is practical, this hot pink I mean, because whenever you set the screwdriver down, it is easy to find due to its unnaturally bright color.

Lady Tools
Watercolor on Paper
7 x 10″

Well, I ran out of the watercolor paper I was using yesterday and found a sheet of “the good stuff,” only it really is not that good at all. It is too absorbent and I just was not able to show you how really pink these tools are.

Still, I loved the shadows these were casting on the blue book, which was the most exciting part of the entire painting for me and that I could not wait to paint them.

I did something that I never do- I painted just the still life objects and then painted the background at the very end. I had no idea what I would do for the background and so put it off until I could not put it off any longer.

Just like yesterday’s painting I made a decision and didn’t look back, thinking again that a green would compliment the red. Still, I am convinced that thinking it through and having a little bit more specific plan is the best way to go (so that then you can rethink and change it from there).

The title “Lady Tools” are a sort of joke and reference to a biography of the action/abstract painter Joan Mitchell whom the critics called “Lady Painter” since she was one of the few well known women in that circle at that time. It is a ridiculous name that she never cared for, just like these lady tools are a ridiculous pink.

  • Susie Covert

    January 14, 2017 at 2:52 pm

    Hey Kelly,
    Know you are home safe, and happy. You are an amazing example of having a practice and sticking to it. I often let toilet bowls, housework, and food prep take over. You would think I would learn by now hahahaha. Today I am tackling the giant pileup in my studio.Be gone I say!
    So you keep sending out every exquisite watercolor for my personal encouragement and I will continue to plow ahead with great hope.
    Much love and hugs,

    • Kelly

      January 16, 2017 at 3:31 pm

      Susie, your truth telling is the real inspiration here! We all know that life happens and the only way that painting happens is if we impose and find a way to override the pressing everyday “stuff”.
      Power to you my friend and keep on painting, your work is more beautiful and poetic every time I see it.