Tuscan Landacape Tag

Spring in Florence, Fast Moving Clouds

I had the chance to visit Florence last month and paint for a few days. There was wild spring weather and so this was a painting of the fast moving clouds above the city. Spring Over Florence Oil on Panel 8 x 12" $500 | Available Purchase One of the trickiest

Day 55: Silent Sundays

It seemed to be a particularly quiet Sunday in one of my favorite and less frequented parks in Florence, Stibbert. There was a soft muted light and so the voices and chatter even seemed subdued today. Fall is here and so life is slowly winding down.

Day 59: Ideal Settings

A morning spent in the shade of an olive tree is always well spent.Back in Tuscany, I couldn't avoid but spend the morning trying to capture the ever elusive olive tree. I say that because sometimes they can be tricky to paint.What color is it?

Day 100: Healthy Competition

Today I went to Tuscany for the day to participate in a small town painting competition in a village near Florence called Marcialla.I almost can't believe it but this is the 6th year in a row that I've gone to paint in this little town

Day 115: It’s Complicated

As in all relationships, sometimes things get a little complicated.I'm just being silly, sort of, but what I mean to say is that today, well, I really didn't feel like painting. I felt tired and like taking it easy or hanging out with friends, or

Day 116: It’s Hot in the Shade

Now I can't keep cool, even the shade is getting hot here in Florence. That's why we got up early and didn't go far to paint, just the garden here at the house where we are staying.Hot Morning Sun in the Garden, Florence6x8"Oil on PanelOur

Day 119: Morning in the Garden, Le Caldine

Today I'm painting in Tuscany with a friend and great painter Lisa Egeli. It's great to be back on my old turf, painting here after having been in Rome for the last year and a half. The light is unique here, it has a bluish