Torpignattara Tag

There’s No Painting Like Home

Do you ever do something repeatedly? Why?I keep going back to this place to paint it over and over again. Why?It's just across from my studio, this bit of countryside in the middle of a chaotic city. But more importantly the light, the enormous pine tree, those

At Last! Let the Show Go On.

Whew, I'm back.Just in case you were wondering I haven't quit the 120 Day Project, I was just taking a bit of a hiatus in order to have my first solo exhibition here in Rome.What was I doing all of that rime instead of sending

Day 77: Silent Saturdays

It's hot and silent, just like a western film. Only here there are no cowboys, just parks and churches, streets with no traffic and only a few people waiting for the bus.That was the scene this morning in my neighborhood called Torpignattara. I love this

Day 108: Days of Grandeur Past

I'm not sure that there is a way to paint this with the grandeur it really deserves. The "grand" effect seems to be lost anyway with the metal fence surrounding this once important monument. Tuth be told Helena's Mausoleum seems a bit forgotten.Helena's Mausoleum, Villa

Madonna in the Garden, San Marcellino a Torpignattara

Madonna in the Garden, San Marcellino a TorpignattaraOil on Linen mounted on Panel6x8"© Kelly Medford, 2011SOLDThis was an unlikely painting as far as I'm concerned. In all my time in Italy (more than 6 years now!) I've never attempted to paint anything religious. In fact