still life paintings Tag

A Small Orchid

After much anticipation on my part, I finally got to paint in oils today. Painting is like riding a bike or getting back on a horse after not having ridden for awhile. I don't know if this describes it correctly. Painting is such a familiar

Day 2: The Sketcher’s Box

The real title of today's post should be "A Lesson in Mental Resistance." That's because today's painting did not come easy and I was struggling. I painted 3 paintings and what you see is the third and final one. My own personal form of mental resistance when

A Painting A Day: Apples

Before we take off running one thing that I want to be clear about is my intention behind this painting a day in January. This is now the 3rd or more time that I have done this, in the past I have always done a painting

Do Plein Air Painters Always Paint in the Rain?

Do plein air painters paint even in the rain?I get that question a lot, it's a good curious question.The answer is yes! Mostly. Some days, more dictated by other circumstances than the weather, I do stay and work in the studio.Goldenrod and Sunflowers in the StudioWindow15x15"oil

Primary Elements

This still life came together in a snap by arranging and rearranging these simple objects by color. Primaries 6x8" Oil on Wood Sold The voices of painting teachers past rang in my ears today- I could just hear their comments about never painting objects that aren't related, don't make sense

Lessons in White

Back again at the easel after being taken by surprise with a knock-down drag-out flu. Whew, am I glad that's over.While I didn't have it in me to get out on the streets today, I did make it to the studio to paint a still life

Day 70; Cut to the Chase

I was thinking about this painting for a few days before I painted it today.I had a crystal clear idea that I wanted to paint a pair of scissors on a table. For me drawing and/or painting scissors has always been a measure of where

A Lemon and a Knife, the Primaries

A Lemon and a Knife, the Primaries6x8"Oil on Linen Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012At some point while working on this painting, I stepped back realizing that this was a painting about the primary colors with a balancing neutral middle tone inbetween.What does it mean? Why did

A Little (Wonky) Terra Cotta

Terra Cotta6x8"Oil on Linen Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Due to the crazy weather here in Rome, I've been spending more time than ever inside painting still lives, and I admit, it's pretty fun and a nice winter change.I've been into painting some handmade (i.e. wonky) objects