seascapes Tag

Day 83: Morning Swim

Today I decided to take the big umbrella to the beach to paint under. I'm glad I did, it really helps to see what you're doing without all of that glare off the water. There's also less of a difference and/or surprise when I bring

Day 86: Vanishing Light

I really wanted to capture the morning light looking east from the sea to the nearby mountains. I knew it would be a fleeting light effect and it's one I often times avoid painting because it's so subtle. Today I thought that it was time

Day 88: Out on the Rocks

I’ve always wanted to paint rocks at the sea here in Italy, but have either never dared or never taken the opportunity. Today there was no avoiding it. If I wanted to go to the beach, I was going to paint rocks. And this place

Day 89: New Beginnings

Today I’m on the Italian riviera or the western coast on the way to France in the region called Liguria. It’s beautiful here and very different from what I’m used to calling “the beach”. Here there is a narrow strip of land running along the