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After the Storm

Sometimes there is no translation for a word from Italian to English (and vice versa)- those words that make sense and have a concept, but would sound a little silly translated literally. This was one of these, il bilancione.After the Storm, Il Bilancione6x8"Oil on Linen

Day 83: An Italian Stroll, La Passeggiata

Even if you don't speak Italian, you most likely have heard or will recognize the word passeggiata.In this case it doesn't mean to go for a walk, but it's the physical place in an Italian seaside town where you stroll along the seaside in the

Day 84: La Galeazza

In John Ruskin's Book The Elements of Drawing, he starts out with telling beginners to spend time to try and draw a rock. Sounds simple, right? Wrong!As I've found during my time here at the sea, drawing or painting a rock and making it really

Day 88: Out on the Rocks

I’ve always wanted to paint rocks at the sea here in Italy, but have either never dared or never taken the opportunity. Today there was no avoiding it. If I wanted to go to the beach, I was going to paint rocks. And this place

Day 107: Day of Rest

Ahhh, that's all I have to say about today.Relaxing on the beach day, even if I did paint, was a day full of joy and rest.Empty Chairs, Ostia6x8"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012No story, no history today, just a day off.I hope you had a