Rome plein air Tag

The Bishop’s Palace, Frascati

Though a Bishop's Palace from the 15th century, the round tower punctuating this palace makes me think of a lighthouse.Il Palazzo Vescovile, Frascati12 x7.5"oil on paper mounted on board©Kelly Medfordclick here for purchase informationThis town called Frascati, perched on a hill south of Rome towers

Local Roman Histories

Every corner in Rome is packed with thousands of years of history. I admittedly know very little compared to the brilliant historians and scholars stalking the churches, ruins and streets of Rome. My job is to capture the streets as they are now- their light and

Painting In Rome: A Traveling Artists’ Experience

Now I'm always going on about how fabulous it is to paint en plein air in Rome, Italy and you believe it, right? Last month U.S. based plein air painter Stephan Gianinni  joined us painting here in Rome. Talking with Stephan while painting atVilla PamphiliHe was

The Doorways of Rome

Lately I've taken to doing a few small paintings and studies of doors around Rome. The lights and shadows are irresistible!The Blue Door, Piazza della Torretta8x6"Oil on Linen Panel©Kelly Medfordclick here for purchase informationWhen it's hard to get a wide view because of narrow streets or

Amazing Italian Towns

Italy is jam packed with gorgeous little towns running up hillsides as you travel throughout the country. One could spend their whole life travelling the country and never get to them all. Some seem more magical than others- whether it be all the history of people who

Ideal Roman Settings…

Well, if you've ever been to Rome you may have noticed how many cars there are in this city- nothing like today's quiet painting.Morning Light, Via degli Spagnoli24x18cmOil on linen panel©Kelly Medfordclick here for purchase infoYou can't imagine the chaos really going on in this

Not so Secret Painting Spots in Rome

I thought we had found the most magical (and secret) painting spot one morning.How it happened was we were in a hole in the wall coffee shop, getting geared up for painting rain or shine, when I spotted a faded poster on the wall of

You’re Never Alone Painting the Streets of Rome

Painting is mostly a solitary sport, except when you're out on the streets of Italy.Not only do Italians love to chat about anything and everything, they will recount the most wonderful stories about their lives and even the neighborhood where I am painting that day.Via

In the Spirit of Competition

Every year I participate in numerous plein air painting competitions. Why? Good question, sometimes I wonder too.While they can have their down sides (the stress of completing a painting in one day!) they are a fabulous way to learn a ton in a short period of