Rome plein air Tag

Can You Name the 7 Hills of Rome?

Always on the lookout for hidden and shady places, I love haunting the various parks and private villas turned public in Rome.One of those places and one of my favorite, is Villa Celimontana on The Caelian Hill .   View from the Balcony, Villa Celimontana 6x8" Oil on Linen Panel $300 framed

Feature Article Plein Air Magazine

Even though I live in Italy, I always feel American. People ask me that question all the time: do I feel more Italian than American?I hope that my answer will not disappoint you, but I never feel Italian! Not for any reason other than having my

Painting on a Saturday Morning, Pigneto

As the weather turns to full on spring here in Rome, jumping out of bed in the morning is the most appropriate response for a plein air painter, especially in my neighborhood.    First Thing Saturday Morning, Via del Pigneto 35 x 30cm Oil on Linen Sold This is a street

In Giro: Painting Neighborhood Places

There is a place that I love and always want to paint in my neighborhood, but it is almost always locked during the day. Then when the weather turns warm again, it's open more often, and almost always on Sundays.   The Old Bike Cart, ExSnia 10 x

Colle Oppio: Gateway to Rome’s Colosseum

This park called Colle Oppio or the Oppian Hill in English, has a special place in my heart. The first day I set foot in Italy almost 10 years ago now (almost impossible to believe, but it's true), I stumbled upon this park which is

1st Place Prize at Subiaco

Every summer in some of the most wonderful villages around Rome painters are invited to come and participate in local 1-day painting competitions. One of my favorites is in a town called Subiaco, nestled in the foothills of the Apennine mountians.This year the theme was

What Goes into Painting a Commission?

Paintings on commission are such a joy!Why?Because it's the chance to make someone a painting just as they want it.charcoal study for commission of Rome's Piazza del PopoloThough it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to complete a commission, each

Working Class Mish Mash of Rome

Now even if you live in Rome, you may never have visited this off-the-beaten-track neighborhood: Pigneto. I just love the name, it suggests those towering pines in abundance that Rome is so famous for. In fact the name does come from the row of pines

Where the non Catholics go in Rome

In a Catholic country, where do the non-Catholics get buried? Well there is one extraordinary place known as the non-Catholic cemetery in Rome and it's unlike any cemetery you've ever seen. The English Cemetery, Piramide Oil on Paper 12 x 9" This is no ordinary cemetery, it's extraordinarily beautiful,