Rome plein air Tag

Day 17: The Baths of Diocletian, Rome

Oh Rome, it is always great to be here, even in the cold. One reason I love the daily painting project is that I have no idea what I will paint, so I set out first thing in the morning keeping my eyes open to what

Old Rome, Trastevere

Trastevere, meaning across the Tiber river, is one of Rome's older neighborhoods. It has a wonderful rich history to accompany its rich aesthetic, full of life and rambling buildings which are squeezed together, with old on top of new and there are loads of little

Rome Pastoral

Rome is a hectic and bustling city, just try crossing the street here and you will know what I mean. Some days I feel tired just from battling my way through traffic before I've even gotten to where I'm going and I am sure that all

The Light of Italy, A Day at Santa Severa

Painted at the seaside of Santa Severa, this is part of the old castle structure. I love this view that looks towards the countryside rather than the sea and gives a small sense of the pastoral beauty of this place. Spring at Santa Severa Oil on Linen

Rome’s Charm, Il Nasone

My first day back in the studio after 2 months away traveling and painting through the U.S. I grabbed my painting gear and headed to Villa Pamphili just around the corner from my studio. Without a specific thing or place in mind to paint, I headed

Savoring Fleeting Moments: Rome Winter Sunset

Rome has many magical moments and one of them is the sunset in this city. Almost every evening the sunset is a spectacle, so orange or pink, lighting the already colorful buildings and reflecting in the water along the Tiber river. The evening or very early

Rome Summer Storms + Studio Paintings Sale

Summer at the Aqueducts, Rome Oil on Arches Paper 9 x 12" $200 | Available Purchase Now This place, one that I return to over and over again, is one of Rome's magical places where time stands still. The light is different each time I visit and always offers something

Rome: Quiet Light

Maybe you think of my work as bright and bold- I am in love with the high contrast of Italian light and shadow after all. But since we've had a moody fall I took advantage of this quieter light to get out and paint. This industrial

Open Studio Brunch Sale

Please join me together with artist Sonia Cipollari for an open studio brunch sale We will be showing recent original watercolors and oil paintings. Light brunch style refreshments will be served Saturday, November 7 Noon- Five Studio Piano Creativo Circonvallazione Gianicolense, 420 Rome RSVP +39 3349835677