Rome paintings Tag

The New Year: A Return

This year I am returning here to my blog. I have missed the value of sharing work in a longer format, having the opportunity to reflect on working and developing as a painter this way and also the format to be able to interact with

2017 Cards & Calendars Now Available!

I am thrilled to share with you the 2017 Italian Moments Calendar and set of 10 cards from some of my favorite paintings done around Italy this past year! 2017 Italian Moments Calendar $25 includes shipping to anywhere in the world Order 4 and get 1 on me Purchase

Rome Pastoral

Rome is a hectic and bustling city, just try crossing the street here and you will know what I mean. Some days I feel tired just from battling my way through traffic before I've even gotten to where I'm going and I am sure that all

Keeping Cool in Roman Summer, Fountains + Parks

It's July in Italy and that means hot. Hot like living inside of an oven. The best place to be when it's hot in the city is in a park, in the shade, and preferably near a fountain where you can dip your toes in

A Seaside Castle: Santa Severa

Santa Severa is a wonderful small beach with a big castle less than an hour's train ride north of Rome. I first painted here while enjoying a day at the beach years ago and since then have been dreaming of painting a series here around the

Rome’s Charm, Il Nasone

My first day back in the studio after 2 months away traveling and painting through the U.S. I grabbed my painting gear and headed to Villa Pamphili just around the corner from my studio. Without a specific thing or place in mind to paint, I headed

Savoring Fleeting Moments: Rome Winter Sunset

Rome has many magical moments and one of them is the sunset in this city. Almost every evening the sunset is a spectacle, so orange or pink, lighting the already colorful buildings and reflecting in the water along the Tiber river. The evening or very early

Rome Summer Storms + Studio Paintings Sale

Summer at the Aqueducts, Rome Oil on Arches Paper 9 x 12" $200 | Available Purchase Now This place, one that I return to over and over again, is one of Rome's magical places where time stands still. The light is different each time I visit and always offers something

Rome: Quiet Light

Maybe you think of my work as bright and bold- I am in love with the high contrast of Italian light and shadow after all. But since we've had a moody fall I took advantage of this quieter light to get out and paint. This industrial