rome landscapes Tag

In the Spirit of Competition

Every year I participate in numerous plein air painting competitions. Why? Good question, sometimes I wonder too.While they can have their down sides (the stress of completing a painting in one day!) they are a fabulous way to learn a ton in a short period of

The Turtle’s Pace Wins the Race

Well, getting into this larger canvas has been very exciting for me. Just the act of using my entire arm (as opposed to just the wrist) to paint feels powerful and how painting was meant to be. The Old Casale60x75 cmwork in progress I was sure I

What Does Spring Look Like in Rome?

Well, spring in Rome is usually sunny and full of life. It's always full of life, but this year is a little more waterlogged than usual.Taking advantage of the moody skies, braving the rain is full of reward. Spring Rain, Parco degli Acquedotti11x14"Oil on Linen Panel©Kelly

Finding Shadows in the Roman Forum

House of the Knights of Rhodes- what would that be you ask?I didn't know either.All I knew is that I had to stop and paint those shadows through the arches and that red flag flying right in the center of it all.     House of the Knights

There’s No Painting Like Home

Do you ever do something repeatedly? Why?I keep going back to this place to paint it over and over again. Why?It's just across from my studio, this bit of countryside in the middle of a chaotic city. But more importantly the light, the enormous pine tree, those

Spring is in the Air

These colors!That's all I could think as I set up my easel in the middle of this abandoned field today.Sometimes I am amazed (and grateful) for these open spaces in the heart of Rome.We all know that they won't last forever.     Spring in Bloom6x8" Oil on

Signs of Spring

The rain is persisting here in Italy, which is fairly unusual for Rome this time of year.Still, there are some signs of spring coming just around the corner. Almost Spring  8x6"Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly Medford   A few hours of sun let me get out and paint

Lakes, Villas and Boats- Oh My!

Just outside the city in the hills of Rome, one can easily escape in time to the Castelli Romani.Filled with lakes, villas and sleepy towns nestled into the hillsides, this area is rich with material to paint.   Winter Boats, Lago di Gandolfo 8x6"Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly

What’s Rome Known For?

Of course we all know and associate the eternal city with its most famous sites, but when I think of Rome visions of pine trees swim in my head.Morning Pines, Parco degli Acquedotti6x8"Oil on Linen Panel©Kelly MedfordDid you ever watch the HBO series Rome? I