Rome cityscape Tag

Day 77: Silent Saturdays

It's hot and silent, just like a western film. Only here there are no cowboys, just parks and churches, streets with no traffic and only a few people waiting for the bus.That was the scene this morning in my neighborhood called Torpignattara. I love this

Day 78: Glory Days

I was happy to be back in Rome today and went straight to paint something after getting off the train from Florence. I almost stopped to paint a great t-shirt/purse/souvenir stand because of that strong light and shadow effect that I'm so addicted to. Instead

Day 94: Life Happens on the Corner

Have you ever sat on the corner for a few hours during the day? Life is really happening there! You see everything from people arguing, coming and going and coming again, walking their dogs and just hanging around. What is everyone doing? Each and every