Rome cityscape Tag

Day 52: Practice

Practice makes perfect? Ha! Obviously it wasn't an artist who said that.Today as I went into the studio to finish up a commission, I froze.I'd been away from the painting for too long and I wasn't sure where to start and how to get back

Day 54: Open Doors

Ahhh, it feels great to be back painting in Rome.Today was a fun and special day. Friend and fellow painter Cory Wright is in town and so we got to go out and paint the town together.Entrance, Botanical Garden6x8"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Cory is

Day 62: Old Places, Modern Times

Sometimes I find it hard to fathom just how nonchalant Romans are about their streets lined with aqueducts and ruins. With 4 lanes of honking and gridlock traffic whizzing under ancient arches, only someone on a bicycle armed with an easel can afford the luxury

Day 63: Magical Places

This place is why I love living and painting in Rome. Here the ancient Roman aqueducts line up one next to the other and run through the open fields like silent towering giants in the landscape.Yesterday I took a bet on the rain holding off

Day 64: Finding Lost Places

The rain came down so hard yesterday that one had the sense it was making up for lost time.Despite the pouring rain, I went traipsing about in the Villa Borghese park in search of a small painting.After managing to get soaking wet, I found a

Day 69: Departures

This train station is just a short bus ride away from my house and has just been completely remodeled and expanded. It's now a modern, open and free-flowing space with such a great play of light that it was difficult to choose where to paint.Tiburtina

Day 71: Writing on the Wall

Out and about Rome today I thought about this place with some old warehouses that have fallen out of use and decided to stop by and see if there were any paintings waited to be painted there.In looking at the scene I almost couldn't picture

Day 72: Keep It Fresh

As I set out today I knew where I wanted to go. It's one of my favorite places, a park where two aqueducts meet. It's called Tor Fiscale.Now I didn't end up painting the aqueducts in order to stay out of the sun. It's boiling

Day 73: Quintessentially Rome

Today's painting is why I love Rome. For its light, shadows and strong contrasting colors.When I saw this house on the corner I knew I had to paint it.Corner of Via Diognigi Periegete8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Today I had a lot to think about