Roman landscapes Tag

Day 46: Back in the Saddle

Keeping up a daily practice is more than just a skill thing, it's a mental thing as well I discovered. It's taken me a few days and a group of throw away paintings to get back into the mixing and brushing on of paint- a little

Day 47: Changing Seasons

The weather is really changing now. The front page of today's paper had Rome's mayor out lining the river with sand bags to protect against the predicted coming storms. Fall is here in a big way and today it was all about the clouds.October Clouds, Acqua

Day 50: A Little Help From our Friends

Do you ever find that you're, well, not in the mood to do what you need to? How do you work under those circumstances?Today I'm a little tired and (I hate to admit it) a lot stressed. I didn't even want to think about painting.I

A Finale

This is the end of a season, the season of painting competitions. I'll miss them. They give me the adrenaline and push to conceive and create a large painting in a short time. I'm also convinced that they make me paint better with the competition

Day 52: Practice

Practice makes perfect? Ha! Obviously it wasn't an artist who said that.Today as I went into the studio to finish up a commission, I froze.I'd been away from the painting for too long and I wasn't sure where to start and how to get back

Day 53: Standing Alone

One of my favorite haunts, the aqueduct park, was just waiting to be painted again today.The weather is gorgeous with those high floating clouds and clear skies after the latest rains. This was a day just to enjoy being outside and of course, painting.The Lone

Day 54: Open Doors

Ahhh, it feels great to be back painting in Rome.Today was a fun and special day. Friend and fellow painter Cory Wright is in town and so we got to go out and paint the town together.Entrance, Botanical Garden6x8"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Cory is

Day 62: Old Places, Modern Times

Sometimes I find it hard to fathom just how nonchalant Romans are about their streets lined with aqueducts and ruins. With 4 lanes of honking and gridlock traffic whizzing under ancient arches, only someone on a bicycle armed with an easel can afford the luxury

Day 63: Magical Places

This place is why I love living and painting in Rome. Here the ancient Roman aqueducts line up one next to the other and run through the open fields like silent towering giants in the landscape.Yesterday I took a bet on the rain holding off