Roman landscapes Tag

Rome Pastoral

Rome is a hectic and bustling city, just try crossing the street here and you will know what I mean. Some days I feel tired just from battling my way through traffic before I've even gotten to where I'm going and I am sure that all

A Seaside Castle: Santa Severa

Santa Severa is a wonderful small beach with a big castle less than an hour's train ride north of Rome. I first painted here while enjoying a day at the beach years ago and since then have been dreaming of painting a series here around the

Rome Summer Storms + Studio Paintings Sale

Summer at the Aqueducts, Rome Oil on Arches Paper 9 x 12" $200 | Available Purchase Now This place, one that I return to over and over again, is one of Rome's magical places where time stands still. The light is different each time I visit and always offers something

Upcoming Show

A quick post to invite you to an exhibition of Roman cityscapes and landscapes opening in Rome this Friday. Roma Itinerari d’AmorePaintings, Sketchbooks and Photography Studio-9 Vicolo della Moretta, 9 - Rome Kelly Medford Giovanni Ragone Olha PryymakCaterina Rosa Maria Iollo Pietro Simonelli Exhibition Open

The Turtle’s Pace Wins the Race

Well, getting into this larger canvas has been very exciting for me. Just the act of using my entire arm (as opposed to just the wrist) to paint feels powerful and how painting was meant to be. The Old Casale60x75 cmwork in progress I was sure I

What Does Spring Look Like in Rome?

Well, spring in Rome is usually sunny and full of life. It's always full of life, but this year is a little more waterlogged than usual.Taking advantage of the moody skies, braving the rain is full of reward. Spring Rain, Parco degli Acquedotti11x14"Oil on Linen Panel©Kelly

Let’s Get Painting!

It was time. Time to get out the big canvas and get out into the field. And today was the day.The Old Casale, Work in Progress80x65 cm, Oil on Linen©Kelly MedfordYou may recognize this place, I've painted it many times over and was just waiting to

Roman Nonchalance

In the middle of a public park just on the outskirts of Rome there is a giant ruin of a tower, Tor de' Schiavi.In English this translates to The Slave Tower, a foreboding name to go along with what's left of this structure jutting into

Is the Sky Purple?

We all know that the sky is blue.Or is it?I thought about this and the relativity of color endlessly while painting.Morning Shed with Prickly Pear6x8"Oil on Linen Panel©Kelly MedfordThe sky seems blue, but to tell the truth, while painting this I used much more red