Pigneto Tag

Day 52: Practice

Practice makes perfect? Ha! Obviously it wasn't an artist who said that.Today as I went into the studio to finish up a commission, I froze.I'd been away from the painting for too long and I wasn't sure where to start and how to get back

Day 73: Quintessentially Rome

Today's painting is why I love Rome. For its light, shadows and strong contrasting colors.When I saw this house on the corner I knew I had to paint it.Corner of Via Diognigi Periegete8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Today I had a lot to think about

Day 94: Life Happens on the Corner

Have you ever sat on the corner for a few hours during the day? Life is really happening there! You see everything from people arguing, coming and going and coming again, walking their dogs and just hanging around. What is everyone doing? Each and every