nasone Tag

120 Days: The Best Hits

This week is a review of some of my favorite and still unsold paintings from the recent daily painting project, 120 Days of Painting.One of my favorite themes or subject matter to paint here in Rome are the city's water fountains known as "nasone" for

Day 72: Keep It Fresh

As I set out today I knew where I wanted to go. It's one of my favorite places, a park where two aqueducts meet. It's called Tor Fiscale.Now I didn't end up painting the aqueducts in order to stay out of the sun. It's boiling

Day 102: Free Flowing

Maybe you've seen this fountain before? Or ones similar anyway. It's one of my favorite things to paint and one of the many things that characterize Rome.This fountain, along with its 2,500 counterparts around the city are always a welcome site these days with the