Italian landscape painting Tag

Changing Light: Morning in Umbria

Rainy Summer Morning, Umbria Oil on Linen Panel 11 x 14" $800 | Available Purchase Now This view! I had a day off teaching in Umbria last month and so the first thing I did was grab my gear and head down the valley to paint. As luck would have it,

Scenic Italian Views

What is the line between capturing something beautiful and it becoming sentimental? Is there one? Thanks to all the Anglo-Saxons who came before us spending their holidays and even entire lives in exotic Italy, there can be the tendency to romanticize life and capture only the most

Hay Bales in Umbria or Infinite Greens

Just the words "hay bale" surely strike up images of Monet and some of his haystacks, which are far more interesting with their house like shape then today's uniformly cylindrical things. Nonetheless these hay bales are always exciting to see, dotting the otherwise green fields back

Roman Country Fields

Though this seems like somewhere in the rolling countryside, this is in the city of Rome.   Morning in the Field, Rome Oil on Panel 8 x 9" $400 | Available A friend and brilliant mosaic artist let me come over and plant myself on her rooftop terrace all morning. What a

How Do You Paint Things That Move?

September Clouds, Study Oil on Linen Panel 5 x 7" $165 | Available Do you ever wonder how painters paint things that move? Do they just paint from photos? Sometimes. But not with at least having studied the real thing live from observation first. How do you do that? There are several ways to

Plein Air Workshop: Rome + Tuscany 2015

I'm very excited to collaborate with Pamela Haack of Off the Beaten Strada for a 10-day plein air workshop which will allow us to paint both in Rome and in the rolling countryside of Tuscany. We will have 3 days to spend together painting and sketching

Painting Views in Naples

I recently collaborated with Napoli Unplugged to paint a series of paintings for their upcoming comprehensive guide to the city on the bay.The idea was first and foremost to get a sweeping view of the bay, Vesuvius, the color of the houses and luckily I was able

Everyone Loves Tuscany!

Who doesn't love Tuscany? And what's not to love? Living in Rome since 2010, I almost forget sometimes that I lived in Tuscany for 6 years. But when I go back, I remember instantly! The light, those pinks and blues, only in Tuscany.   Via San Francesco,