interior painting Tag

Interior Mysteries

  The thing to paint when it's raining cats and dogs? Interiors.     In the Kitchen 8x6" Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly Medford SOLD I entitled this post "interior mysteries" because painting them always seems to involve and produce a painting of mystery.Mostly this is because indoor lighting is less than

Quiet Studio

A friend left me her studio one day while out of town, having the whole place to myself. What to paint? So much to choose from.This lone chair against the window spoke volumes to me about an artists' studio, just waiting for the model to arrive or

Day 45: Did I Do That?

With the rain on a real roll here in Rome these last few days I took the chance to paint one of my favorite subjects, an interior.   Breakfast for One, Morning at the Table  8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford SOLD   I've been picturing this painting for awhile and

Day 66: Saturday at The Pub

Today I took off with my friends into the center of town. We went to see a wonderful Russian Avant-garde painting exhibition and then to the pub to watch the soccer game. A good Saturday!Of course I was prepared with my trusty little paintbox. Even

Day 91: Working Late

I just love this workbench. Can't you relate to this space? Organized chaos. Only the owner of this workbench (not me!) knows where anything is here I'm sure.Late Night at the Workbench8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This was a lot of fun to paint, partly because

Day 92: Silent Light

Someone did the rain dance! Finally after 2 months without a drop, we got a little rain today. This was a great excuse for me to paint an interior. I secretly love painting indoor spaces, especially when they're empty. There is a lonely mystery that fascinates