Florence Plein Air painting Tag

The Winter Colors of Florence

Every place has its own distinct light and colors, a distinct palette if you will. Florence is certainly no exception. Though not far from Rome, the quality of light and colors found here are uniquely their own. When I close my eyes and think of the

Winter Morning in Florence

Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, of Botticelli's Birth of Venus, Michelangelo's David, The Ponte Vecchio, Arno river and so much more, is a place we all know and love. Even if you've never physically been to the city, you feel you know it through

Capturing Light in Florence

Last week while in Florence to visit and pick up an order of frames (Florence has the best frame makers!) I had the lucky chance to spend a few hours painting. Though the city is hustling and bustling this time of year with eager visitors, there