Florence paintings Tag

Bridges Renewed

Now everyone has visions of Florence, Italy. Home and birthplace of the Renaissance.Even if you've never been there, you know what Florence looks like.I lived in Florence for 6 years where I studied art and then first began plein air painting. Florence is the best

Day 55: Silent Sundays

It seemed to be a particularly quiet Sunday in one of my favorite and less frequented parks in Florence, Stibbert. There was a soft muted light and so the voices and chatter even seemed subdued today. Fall is here and so life is slowly winding down.

Day 57: Change Is In the Air

The arctic wind that blew into Florence this morning took away the last of summer.I was walking fast trying to find some sunshine and wondering why it was so cold all of a sudden. Completely unprepared with sandals and a light shirt, walking and finding

Day 58: The Domes of Florence

Florence is full of Domes. Whether you're on a narrow street, on a hill or strolling along the river, you often times have a dome in sight.For a long time I thought that the dome you can see everywhere was just The Duomo since it is

Day 59: Ideal Settings

A morning spent in the shade of an olive tree is always well spent.Back in Tuscany, I couldn't avoid but spend the morning trying to capture the ever elusive olive tree. I say that because sometimes they can be tricky to paint.What color is it?

Day 90: Moody Mornings

Everyone has moody mornings, even the weather. Really I'm glad for a bit of moody weather for a change.Moody Morning on the Mugnone6x8"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012I sat on a little bridge to paint this morning with the wind whipping and the clouds threatening

Day 92: Silent Light

Someone did the rain dance! Finally after 2 months without a drop, we got a little rain today. This was a great excuse for me to paint an interior. I secretly love painting indoor spaces, especially when they're empty. There is a lonely mystery that fascinates

Day 93: On the Move

I'm back in Florence again for a quick stop over on my way to being on "vacation". I say it "that way", because I'm not really totally on vacation (i.e. doing nothing), as I will be, of course, painting daily.  I'm relived about this, I

Day 114: A Day to Breathe

This will be my last painting from Tuscany for a bit and I'm feeling a little nostalgic about it.It's been almost 2 years since I moved to Rome and switched palette and landscape, so to go back was to see these old familiar places through