cityscapes Tag

A Painter’s Choice: Polished, Painted or Sketched

I'm entitling this blog post this way to give myself the opportunity to talk about something in my work (and I imagine in many other painters as well), that really nags at me sometimes: the level of finish in a painting.I seem to have this "problem",

Off the Beaten Path: An Old Street in Rome

If you haven't already noticed, I just love anything off-the-beaten-path, whether it be in Rome or wherever I go. I'm one of those gals who always roots for the underdog and likes to try something different and explore around the next corner. That's why Rome

The Joy of Painting for People

Late Afternoon, The Roman Forum25x30 cmOil on Linen© Kelly Medford, 2012What a complete joy it was creating these 2 paintings on commission! It's taken me much longer than I had anticipated to finish them and I realized that I could have gone on indefinitely, always