120 days of painting Tag

Day 68: Summer’s Bounty

All morning I was working in the studio to finish up a commission and then afternoon came. It dawned on me: it's time to do my daily painting.I wanted to keep pushing through this morning's work, but it was time for a break. Looking around

Day 69: Departures

This train station is just a short bus ride away from my house and has just been completely remodeled and expanded. It's now a modern, open and free-flowing space with such a great play of light that it was difficult to choose where to paint.Tiburtina

Day 70; Cut to the Chase

I was thinking about this painting for a few days before I painted it today.I had a crystal clear idea that I wanted to paint a pair of scissors on a table. For me drawing and/or painting scissors has always been a measure of where

Day 71: Writing on the Wall

Out and about Rome today I thought about this place with some old warehouses that have fallen out of use and decided to stop by and see if there were any paintings waited to be painted there.In looking at the scene I almost couldn't picture

Day 72: Keep It Fresh

As I set out today I knew where I wanted to go. It's one of my favorite places, a park where two aqueducts meet. It's called Tor Fiscale.Now I didn't end up painting the aqueducts in order to stay out of the sun. It's boiling

Day 73: Quintessentially Rome

Today's painting is why I love Rome. For its light, shadows and strong contrasting colors.When I saw this house on the corner I knew I had to paint it.Corner of Via Diognigi Periegete8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Today I had a lot to think about

74: A Place of Ones Own

Hopefully we all have a place all our very own to work, play or just make a big mess in.Mine, of course, is my studio.Out the Studio Window8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This morning I went out and did a painting on the street. I

Day 75: Waiting Patiently

How good are you at waiting?If you're like me, not that good.I've been watching these pomegranates grow larger for over 3 months now and they still haven't begun to turn red. In fact we still have another 2 months of waiting. Meanwhile I get to

Day 76: It’s a Scorcher!

Today while out painting I realized the place to be in a country with no air conditioning is NOT inside but outside (in the shade of course.)After sweating over the computer this morning, it was a relief and literally a breath of fresh air to