120 days of painting Tag

Day 85: Blue Mornings

I felt like a little kid this morning, all excited when I reached the port and saw this blue cargo ship in the harbor. Lucky for me it was even docked alone so that I had a perfect view to paint it.Aziea, Blue Cargo in

Day 86: Vanishing Light

I really wanted to capture the morning light looking east from the sea to the nearby mountains. I knew it would be a fleeting light effect and it's one I often times avoid painting because it's so subtle. Today I thought that it was time

Day 87: Moving Targets

Ever tried to paint a boat in the wind? Me either until this morning. What an exercise in patience, drawing skill and short-term memory!Little Boat in the Harbor8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012I wanted to call this a dinghy, but then I looked up the

Day 88: Out on the Rocks

I’ve always wanted to paint rocks at the sea here in Italy, but have either never dared or never taken the opportunity. Today there was no avoiding it. If I wanted to go to the beach, I was going to paint rocks. And this place

Day 89: New Beginnings

Today I’m on the Italian riviera or the western coast on the way to France in the region called Liguria. It’s beautiful here and very different from what I’m used to calling “the beach”. Here there is a narrow strip of land running along the

Day 90: Moody Mornings

Everyone has moody mornings, even the weather. Really I'm glad for a bit of moody weather for a change.Moody Morning on the Mugnone6x8"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012I sat on a little bridge to paint this morning with the wind whipping and the clouds threatening

Day 91: Working Late

I just love this workbench. Can't you relate to this space? Organized chaos. Only the owner of this workbench (not me!) knows where anything is here I'm sure.Late Night at the Workbench8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This was a lot of fun to paint, partly because

Day 93: On the Move

I'm back in Florence again for a quick stop over on my way to being on "vacation". I say it "that way", because I'm not really totally on vacation (i.e. doing nothing), as I will be, of course, painting daily.  I'm relived about this, I

Day 94: Life Happens on the Corner

Have you ever sat on the corner for a few hours during the day? Life is really happening there! You see everything from people arguing, coming and going and coming again, walking their dogs and just hanging around. What is everyone doing? Each and every