120 days of painting Tag

Spring is in the Air

These colors!That's all I could think as I set up my easel in the middle of this abandoned field today.Sometimes I am amazed (and grateful) for these open spaces in the heart of Rome.We all know that they won't last forever.     Spring in Bloom6x8" Oil on

Memories in Red

It is officially time to celebrate the first day of spring! I've been waiting for this day and it couldn't have presented itself in a better way. Today was an absolutely gorgeous day in Rome, so I set out to explore a new place with my bike

Bridges Renewed

Now everyone has visions of Florence, Italy. Home and birthplace of the Renaissance.Even if you've never been there, you know what Florence looks like.I lived in Florence for 6 years where I studied art and then first began plein air painting. Florence is the best

Signs of Spring

The rain is persisting here in Italy, which is fairly unusual for Rome this time of year.Still, there are some signs of spring coming just around the corner. Almost Spring  8x6"Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly Medford   A few hours of sun let me get out and paint

Interior Mysteries

  The thing to paint when it's raining cats and dogs? Interiors.     In the Kitchen 8x6" Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly Medford SOLD I entitled this post "interior mysteries" because painting them always seems to involve and produce a painting of mystery.Mostly this is because indoor lighting is less than

Roman Nonchalance

In the middle of a public park just on the outskirts of Rome there is a giant ruin of a tower, Tor de' Schiavi.In English this translates to The Slave Tower, a foreboding name to go along with what's left of this structure jutting into

Is the Sky Purple?

We all know that the sky is blue.Or is it?I thought about this and the relativity of color endlessly while painting.Morning Shed with Prickly Pear6x8"Oil on Linen Panel©Kelly MedfordThe sky seems blue, but to tell the truth, while painting this I used much more red

Lakes, Villas and Boats- Oh My!

Just outside the city in the hills of Rome, one can easily escape in time to the Castelli Romani.Filled with lakes, villas and sleepy towns nestled into the hillsides, this area is rich with material to paint.   Winter Boats, Lago di Gandolfo 8x6"Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly

The Power of Suggestion

With the end of my 120 Day Project on the horizon, I've been thinking and planning for what's next. Of course there will still be lots of small paintings, but it's time to expand.In times of growth and transition I always turn to other artists