Day 72: Keep It Fresh
As I set out today I knew where I wanted to go. It's one of my favorite places, a park where two aqueducts meet. It's called Tor Fiscale.Now I didn't end up painting the aqueducts in order to stay out of the sun. It's boiling
As I set out today I knew where I wanted to go. It's one of my favorite places, a park where two aqueducts meet. It's called Tor Fiscale.Now I didn't end up painting the aqueducts in order to stay out of the sun. It's boiling
Today's painting is why I love Rome. For its light, shadows and strong contrasting colors.When I saw this house on the corner I knew I had to paint it.Corner of Via Diognigi Periegete8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012Today I had a lot to think about
Hopefully we all have a place all our very own to work, play or just make a big mess in.Mine, of course, is my studio.Out the Studio Window8x6"Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This morning I went out and did a painting on the street. I
It's hot and silent, just like a western film. Only here there are no cowboys, just parks and churches, streets with no traffic and only a few people waiting for the bus.That was the scene this morning in my neighborhood called Torpignattara. I love this
I was happy to be back in Rome today and went straight to paint something after getting off the train from Florence. I almost stopped to paint a great t-shirt/purse/souvenir stand because of that strong light and shadow effect that I'm so addicted to. Instead
I'm back from the heights of the Alps and to tell the truth I just couldn't face the chaos of the city today, so I stayed in the studio to do what I call a warm-up to get back into daily painting.Morning Warm-Up6x8"Oil on Panel©
Boats! Yes, another boat. Who could have ever imagined all that is involved in painting a single boat in the harbor?First of all there is getting the drawing down, then the lights and shadows, the water, the reflections on the water and the little cables
Even if you don't speak Italian, you most likely have heard or will recognize the word passeggiata.In this case it doesn't mean to go for a walk, but it's the physical place in an Italian seaside town where you stroll along the seaside in the
In John Ruskin's Book The Elements of Drawing, he starts out with telling beginners to spend time to try and draw a rock. Sounds simple, right? Wrong!As I've found during my time here at the sea, drawing or painting a rock and making it really