Just A Minute

Just A Minute

Riding along on my bike and hunting my painting spot, I came to this corner. Now it’s not a special place here in Rome, but the light  was awesome. I had to stop and paint.



On the Curve, Via Teano 6×8″ Oil on Linen Panel ©Kelly Medford


This is one of the mysteries that I find it hard to put words to: why I choose to paint what I paint sometimes.Through art school, attending exhibitions and meeting countless artists, I’ve found that there are a few approaches to  painting.Some painters have an idea and then they work and refine, pursuing and hashing out a concept, following a thread, a line of thought or theory and craft it into their work.Then there are painters that work by intuition. Something, an impulse if you will, strikes and they paint, without the idea of the thought or what it’s even about really, it’s just a pull to start and see where it takes you.I’ve always been the intuitive one painting on some kind of impulse. Don’t get me wrong, my paintings are not devoid of meaning, intention or lack of a common thread, but they are in search of something that for me is less tangible: a feeling, a mood, a moment, a story.Today I was reminded of this. Even though my goal or intention is to capture the life and streets of Rome as it is today, some days that just means capturing a moment of light.

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Art of the Painted Sketch August 21-28Umbria, Italy

Spend a week in an Umbrian villa eating, swimming, relaxing and learning the art of the oil sketch
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The Light and Life of Venice October 12-20 Venice, Italy
Explore and capture Italy’s most magical and mysterious city in paint
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