Interior Mysteries

Interior Mysteries


The thing to paint when it’s raining cats and dogs? Interiors.



In the Kitchen 8×6″ Oil on Linen Panel

©Kelly Medford SOLD

I entitled this post “interior mysteries” because painting them always seems to involve and produce a painting of mystery.Mostly this is because indoor lighting is less than ideal and I can’t really see exactly what colors I’m mixing up and have to go a bit on knowing my palette and instinct.I like that.Then there is some other intangible ingredient. They turn out a bit mysterious and I can’t exactly say why.It may be for the lighting and mixing factor and also because I’m attracted to silent spaces. Or maybe it’s just a mystery.As the rain continues on and I’m waiting for the sunshine, I’ll share a few other interior paintings with you.This is one of my studio- when it’s clean of course.



In the Studio Shed 45×60 cm Oil on Linen

©Kelly Medford SOLD

That’s right, if you didn’t know it before you do now: my studio is a large garden shed. I love my studio, it’s my haven and luckily it never gets too cold here in Rome because there’s no heat. It has beautiful light and is surrounded by neighboring gardens.



Breakfast for One, Morning at the Table 8×6″Oil on Linen

©Kelly Medford SOLD


This was in my house one morning after breakfast. The light coming through the curtains is a light effect that I love, giving a soft light to the room and creating some strong contrasts with the objects in front of it.You can see or purchase today’s painting here on the websiteSee all other paintings from the 120 Day Project hereThank you for following Adventures in Painting!

Art of the Painted Sketch August 21-28
Umbria, Italy
Spend a week in an Umbrian villa eating, swimming, relaxing and learning the art of the oil sketch
Click here for details
The Light and Life of Venice October 12-20
Venice, Italy
Explore and capture Italy’s most magical and mysterious city in paint
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