Sketches of Umbria

Sketches of Umbria

Now when most plein air painters pack their gear and head to Italy, they’re most likely going to paint Tuscany. Why? Because it’s beautiful and well manicured, but it’s not the only place to paint gorgeous landscapes in Italy. In fact Umbria is one of my favorite places to paint landscapes. It is a wild and rugged landscape and much less populated than Tuscany, full of sunflower fields and wildlife and the occasional castle dotting hilltops. In my book it’s the perfect plein air painting destination.Morning in the Field, Montegabbione16×12″oil on paper mounted on board©Kelly Medfordclick here for purchase detailsThis sketch, or unfinished painting, was done as a demonstration one morning for my 7 workshop students who came to learn the Art of the Painted Sketch at a villa called Arte Umbria last week.The lesson in this painting is about creating space and distance not only in your paint mixtures but in your composition as well.I’ve used the tree leaves and the long morning shadow on the ground to frame the landscape and draw your attention back into the distance with the pink dots of the rooftops up on the hill.Paintings showing distance are a good challenge for painters of all levels and one of most enjoyable kinds of landscape paintings to create here in Italy, when you can get it right.The calisthenics of painting greens is never to be taken for granted and should be practiced continually. I needed some warming up after painting in the city most of the year and this was the perfect spot.I enjoyed every minute of my time at Arte Umbria and would suggest it to anyone interested in studying painting or creative writing for a complete get away from it all week. They pamper you with home cooked meals and the gorgeous terrace views where we watched some of the most outrageous red and orange sunsets every night. It was a lovely week and my students really worked hard. I hope they will continue to practice what they learned and paint, paint, paint.Just 2 spots left for October’s Paint the Light and Life of Venice Workshop in Oil or here for more informationClick here to see other recent Italian paintings