What is Your Favorite View in Venice?

What is Your Favorite View in Venice?

What’s your favorite view in Venice?Impossible to answer. Although there are a few choice spots.Il Palazzo Ducale, View from San Giorgio20x30cm (approx oil on wood©Kelly Medfordclick here to purchaseThis is a spectacular view that also gives you some distance where you can gaze across the water to Doge’s Palace and on a sunny day like this one, really appreciate the pinks and blues that are the palette of the city.San Giorgio Island is a place I highly recommend next time you are in Venice, especially for the church and the unbelievable view from the bell tower. The only sunny day during my two week stay in October, I knew that this was the view to capture. Seeing the bobbing of the gondolas lined up in front of the pink palace and the shimmering sky was a joy and different view from the narrow winding streets, canals and bridges.See other recent paintings from Venice, Rome and Italy hereThank you for your interest in my work.