Rome’s Charm, Il Nasone

Rome’s Charm, Il Nasone

My first day back in the studio after 2 months away traveling and painting through the U.S. I grabbed my painting gear and headed to Villa Pamphili just around the corner from my studio.

Without a specific thing or place in mind to paint, I headed into the park and stopped here just along the wall- perfect!


Il Nasone, Villa Pamphili
Oil on Linen Panel

I love these fountains, so symbolic of Rome to me and dot every neighborhood and park wherever you go. This fountain seems to have stopped working, but the sliver of light coming in against the gratified wall made me happy to be back.

These water fountains, well over 1,000 throughout the city and outlying areas are affectionately called “nasone” by locals. Nasone literally means big nose and refers to the hooked water spout. Locals know how to drink from these- you cover the spout at the bottom and water shoots straight up through another smaller hole in the top of the hooked spout, just like a public water fountain in the U.S. only the water is better and is always cool and refreshing.

More than once I have reassured suspecting tourists that not only is the water safe to drink, it is excellent and refreshing! No more buying water and lugging it around all day, all you have to do is make a pit stop at any nasone as you walk the streets and explore the city.

  • Neil McPherson

    May 3, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    Great to look at that little piece of the huge city ! Great comment

    Best wishes
    Neil & family in Mainz near Frankfurt Germany

    • Kelly

      May 9, 2016 at 12:34 pm

      Hi Neil, great to hear from you!
      I love the story told in the details, sometimes much more so than in larger scenes. This fountain and the gratified wall tell volumes about my beloved Rome.
      Thanks for following,