Rejection, Stuck, I Think We’re Making Progress Here

Rejection, Stuck, I Think We’re Making Progress Here

On Homer Spit, 14×21″ oil on canvas I’ve had an interesting day: I got rejected from a gallery, got to this point with this painting and got stuck, found out I need to retake all the photos of current paintings, and my car broke down, yikes! (hence rejection and stuck). All of this put together could have left me in a big funk. Now, I’m not gonna lie, all of this DID leave me in a funk for awhile this morning. But when I stopped to think about it I realized that I’m really just facing challenges and growing pains, and that could be exciting, it means that things (mainly life) are happening and it’s picking up the pace daily.I’ve gotten away from the Alaska paintings for a few weeks, distracting myself with little fun projects like a couple of smaller commissions (which I love) and am now coming back to finish up for the show in October. Where next with this painting? I’m not quite sure, but more work with the foreground and the grass and the red house. I thought from the beginning that this was a “no go” because of the red being in the center of the composition, but actually it’s just starting to catch my interest.

  • Durinda Cheek, Director

    August 14, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    Hi Kelly- love this painting. It really captures the atmosphere. Nice edge work.

  • Erik

    August 14, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Hi Kelly,
    Great news that you returned to this painting. I love where this is going!

  • Kelly Medford

    August 14, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    Great you guys, thanks! Think I’ll jump right back in this morning. Love to have a little dialogue (and selfishly a little encouragement too, ha!) I’ll keep you posted.. And will post other projects I’m working on as well over the weekend.