Roman Aqueduct, sketch 8×10 oil on panelWell, it’s only taken me a little over a month to start painting after having arrived in Rome. It’s been raining like mad and I’ve prefered to wander around casually rather than set to work.This week there was a change for the better: the sun came out and I got motivated. I spent a morning in the park near my house painting a detail of the old Roman aqueduct that runs through a large part of the city.I’ve decided to start a new project about Rome as a way to keep me painting and in dialogue, to keep me motivated and get me out exploring and painting around the city.The project will begin next Monday and will be more loosely structured than the 100 day project. I will post a painting 3 times a week and share with you my ongoing learning process in the “Eternal City”. The project has a beginning date but no end date. I will also paint various sizes, keeping them small sketches on panel, but not limited to the 6×8″ format. All the paintings will be for sale on my website via paypal. I’m excited about the chance to learn this enormous and unique city- I’m looking forward to sharing my adventures with you.

  • Jennifer Brickey

    November 29, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    can’t wait to follow your new project! Good luck.

  • Kelly Medford

    December 1, 2010 at 11:26 am

    Thanks Jen! Come and visit sometime, I would really love to see you..