Via Cencelli

Via Cencelli

Via Cencelli, 10×8″, oil on panelTransportation strike! That meant staying close to home, which was fine by me as I’m lately fixated on going to the local park to paint and it was a gorgeous sunny day, so off I went.Walking back and forth, up and down the park with my easel, I couldn’t decide on a composition, so I sat down on a bench to sketch and think about it. A man who had been sitting on a bench approached me to ask me if I was lost and needed help. He saw that I had been walking in circles lugging something like looked like a suitcase! When I told him what I was doing, it didn’t seem to relieve his worry or to clarify anything, so he offered to bring me a coffee from the shop around the corner. When I said thank you, but no thank you (if I drink any more coffee this morning my hands will shake too much to hold the paintbrush steady), he didn’t really accept that answer either and kept insisting.Finally, we moved on, each going our seperate ways and I thought maybe I should check out the neighborhood behind the park. That’s when I found this street, Via Cencelli. The light was just so cool, that I thought, “I’ve got to paint this!” I don’t have a lot of practice at these street scenes, so it was a little intimidating, but I need the practice. The light was moving so fast that I had to move my easel every 15 minutes or so to keep the sun from hitting the painting. I stayed a few hours with the light constantly changing and I really got into it. I would love to paint some more of these kinds of scenes. Even though it could be a street anywhere, for me it’s definitely Italian with the red, pink and yellow buildings. I’m so grateful for sunny Italy!You can buy this painting from my website by clicking hereYou can view other paintings from the When In Rome project hereFollow me on facebook
