The Ancient Roman Road

The Ancient Roman Road

On the Appia Antica, 8×10″, oil on panelIt’s almost overwhelming just how many amazing places there are in Rome, and this is by far one of my favorites.This is one of the longest roads built by the Romans (and now restored) and is in fact still the longest stretch of straight road in all of Europe. It starts in Rome and goes to the southeastern most tip of Italy. You can’t tell from the painting, but the big flat rocks that are the road are full of ruts where wheels must have passed for hundreds of years.You can go for miles and miles on this road and it’s out in the countryside (although just a 15 min. bike ride from my house in the city). All you see while traveling down the road are a bunch of crazy ruins jutting out in the middle of what are otherwise pastures and occassioanl large flock of sheep. You can see the city just off in the distance and the snow capped mountains not far behind. Who ever thought of this when picturing Rome?To buy or view today’s painting on my website, click hereTo see other paintings from the When In Rome series, click here

  • Karen F. Rose

    February 23, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Very enchanting Kelly. Everywhere you turn and look views steeped in beauty and history. Enjoy every moment you are in Rome. How wonderful. Paint on.

  • Kelly Medford

    February 24, 2011 at 7:52 am

    Hi Karen, thanks for your fabulous comments! Yes, I feel so lucky to have the chance to get to know Rome via painting it and I’m continually amazed! Come and paint with me anytime, would love to have company!

  • Donna Vines

    March 24, 2011 at 10:36 pm

    hi Kelly,
    I read your interview on Cindy’s blog and I just had to visit your blog. Your paintings are lovely and just as spontaneous as you are. Keep it up, I really love your work and your attitude.