Piazza Mastai

Piazza Mastai

Piazza Mastai, oil on panel, 10×8″Trastevere, everyone loves this part of town! It’s old with the little shops and winding streets, places where vines grow up through the cracks and sprawls over windows. There are little old ladies hanging out their laundry and old men shouting or hanging out in the streets (ok, I’m exagerrating, but you get the idea). It’s one of those places that you imagine when you think of Italy.This piazza is what I consider to be one of the doorways to Trastevere. It’s a big piazza with this lovely fountain and one of the few squares in the entire city that is not full of parked cars, making it ideal to paint.Americans have no idea what they (we) are missing without these public squares. They are big open spaces with water, trees, benches and people from the neighborhood. In other words a place for people to take time to come together and meet, hang out, or like today get some sun while eating lunch or doing paperwork or talking on the phone.Italians take piazzas for granted, but they can be the heart of social life and are where daily life happens.

  • cindy michaud

    March 22, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    Love this piece Kelly, just looking at it and I see the folks hanging out, (you forgot the kids running to catch the bus and the lovers sharing a smooch). You nailed it!

  • Kelly Medford

    March 23, 2011 at 9:31 am

    Ha ha, you’re right! I forgot to mention the loads of kissing couples and people running to catch the bus. And all kinds of other characters as well! Thanks for your comment,

  • elainecallahan

    March 23, 2011 at 9:00 pm

    Beautiful. I can just feel what it feels like to be there with all the characters! Thank you for the much needed mini vacation to Italy. 🙂

  • spacedlaw

    October 9, 2012 at 12:27 pm

    No more lunching for now…

  • Kelly Medford

    October 9, 2012 at 2:38 pm

    Is that because it’s too cold (or for some other reason?) I haven’t been back in awhile, but this is usually a hot spot for business lunch timers..(and painters now too!)