Piazza delle Scuole, Radda in Chianti

Piazza delle Scuole, Radda in Chianti

Piazza delle Scuole, Radda in Chianti9×11″Oil on Linen© 2011, the artistI’ve been away painting in Tuscany with painters Mark Horton and Chris Groves from Charleston, SC who led a group of painters to the most magical monastery in Chianti. I had the opportunity to jump on board and assist in the workshop and paint a little throughout the week.We had several day trips to small hill towns, my favorite of which was Radda in Chianti where I did this little painting in a square.We were fabulously lucky to have sunny blue skies most days, and there is nothing like the contrast of light and shadow like here in Italy. I chose this spot for the composition, the little ape truck in the corner and the colors and play of shadows. I had to battle with the wind, which had its way by tuning my easel over a few times, and humbleded me into remembering that I’m a guest here!Our group of nearly 30 people invaded this beautiful town and we were all the talk amognst the locals that day.After being in Rome and then going back to paint in Tuscany, I realize just how picturesque and beautiful Tuscany really is with its color harmonies of blues, greens and pinks. A life of painting in Italy is well spent!You can see some other paintings from this trip by clicking here to my website

  • marcello saolini

    May 30, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Hey Kelly nice work 🙂
    let us see also other painting you made in the Chianti shire 🙂
    cheers Marcello

  • Cindy Michaud

    June 1, 2011 at 11:57 am

    wonder if mark and I are related? my maiden name is Horton! But Dad’s folks were all Alabama coal miners and farmers…I want to paint Tuscany!

  • Kelly Medford

    June 8, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    You should come and paint Tuscany with us next year, it’s not to be missed!
    You may just be related, I know he is from the south, but I don’t know about Alabama, maybe? Small world!