Sunset on Wild Oak Bay, Sarasota

Sunset on Wild Oak Bay, Sarasota

Wild Oak Bay, Sarasota7×11″Oil on Panel(c) Kelly Medford, 2010Sarasota has got to be one of the best places on earth to paint the sunset- at least I think so..While I wish I was painting the sunset in Sarasota right now, I’m not, I’m just thinking about it.I painted this last year with a good friend and Florida painter Susie Covert, who has a lot of practice at these since she lives there.Sunset paintings are the joy and challenge of the landscape painter- I imagine like the love poem to the poet. Tricky, over done and can eaily turn cliché. BUT that’s no reason not to go out and paint them, and paint them and paint them again. If I lived in Sarasota I feel sure that I would paint the sunset everyday. They’re so unpredictable and each one is different than the last- just enough to keep a painter on her toes and feeling like she never quite has a handle on it.Here’s my moment of Sarasota and it only has good memories attached to it.If you like this painting and want to make it yours, you can bid on it here at my Daily Paintworks site.