Cypress and a Palm, Clifton Springs

Cypress and a Palm, Clifton Springs

A Cypress and a Palm, Clifton Springs14×11″Oil on Panel(c) Kelly Medford, 2011This is a place that every time I come to Orlando I go to paint but hardly ever find something to paint. Painters know what I’m talking about.What I mean is I love the feel of this place- it’s a little park on a dead end road on Lake Jessup. Hardly anyone is ever there and it’s full of cypress trees, spanish moss and birds. The wind always seems to blow here in the afternoons and like hearing it in the trees. With just the quiet, apart from the noisy birds and the breeze it’s the perfect place to spend an afternoon.This time I got lucky and found something to paint. Actually, the whole truth is I’ve started but never finished many a painting here of the same clump of cypress trees. In the past each time I started a painting here it either got too complicated trying to look up and deal with the drawing of all those branches, the light and shadow and then all that straggly spanish moss hanging everywhere, so I never finished a painting here until today. This time I told myself I was going to pick one tree and see it through. I got into painting this tree and wanted to see it through to the end.I thought I better get ahold of attempting to paint a cypress with spanish moss and a palm tree, as next week I’m headed up to Jacksonville Beach for the Painting the Region 5-day painting extravaganza and I’m both excited and nervous. All those Floridians will have a lot more experience than me painting these sort of beauties, while I’ve been trying my hand at Roman ruins and buildings.I can’t wait though. What an opportunity! Painting the Florida landscape all day every day for 5 days, what a treat!Like this painting and want to buy it?Click here to buy it from my website.

  • Cindy Michaud

    September 29, 2011 at 9:16 pm

    Enjoy the 5 day challenge…you are more accomplished outside than many you will meet so relax. Wish I could join you. Lovely cypress tree here, perfect warm up.

  • Kelly Medford

    September 29, 2011 at 9:29 pm

    I wish you were coming too! Maybe you’ll consider next year?
    Be in touch! and I’ll of course be posting as it goes..
    Thanks Cindy!

  • Anonymous

    October 3, 2011 at 2:24 pm

    Wow really amazing job Kelly!!! -B