Day 112: Greener Pasture

Day 112: Greener Pasture

I love this place, a relief if wide open green space in the middle of the city. Today there was even a cool breeze blowing through.July Afternoon, La Caffarella6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012When I pulled up on my bike, I was super excited to have the chance to paint this herd in the field. The herd was moving constantly as I set up my little box to paint, but this group lagged behind under the shade of the tree. All the others made a bee line straight towards me. Pretty soon I was completely surrounded by goats and the sound of their chewing in unison was deafening.After awhile the shepherd pulled up in a truck and shouted out to me, “Hey, you’re surrounded!” No kidding, and I was a little worried that he was going to shoo me off for scaring his herd. Instead he gave a single whistle and they were off. Just like that the entire herd disappeared.I had got the goats down in the painting before they ran off and could work the rest from there. It was truly a relief to paint in the silence (after the chewing goats moved on) with only the sound of the breeze blowing across the field.You can see this painting or purchase it here on my website for $120.Thank you for your interest and for following the 120 Day project!