Day 111: Glorious Mornings

Day 111: Glorious Mornings

Happy 4th of July!!I hope you’re having fun and relaxing wherever you are- and most importantly- eating lots of good home cooked food.Here’s today’s story and painting…I love those mornings, the ones when you wake up early and all is quiet. This was one of those perfect mornings, it wasn’t even hot out. I jumped on my bike and went to this park near my house. It had been awhile since I’d stopped by to check it out.Morning Oleanders6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012In fact, there are two sides of the park, it is divided in half by a busy road. I had never explored this half and today I was glad to have found it.The park is dotted with literally hunderds of oleanders that are in full bloom, it’s quite a sight! With the patterns of light and spotted shade and the colors of their blooms, I was excited to paint here. There was a lot to choose from.As I was painting a man working in the park stopped to talk and tell me a little about the park. Mostly he was annoyed that people had left so much trash around, it wasn’t his favorite thing to do to have to clean up after people.Then he told me that he has been working in this park for 35 years, that’s a long time. It was his idea to spruce up the park by adding the oleanders and to add various meandering planted paths and the benches throughout the park. It’s truly lovely and it was a joy to paint here.That’s all for today. I hope you have a great 4th and celebrate our independence!If you like this painting, you can buy it hereThank you so much for your interest and for following the 120 Day Project!