Day 105: Eye Candy

Day 105: Eye Candy

If you’ve ever been to Italy you recognize this newstand. It’s complete with toys, games, gum, I don’t even know what. For a painter it’s eye candy.This was the perfect one to paint today with the tower and trees in the background giving it a wonderful play of light and shadow.The Daily Newsstand, San Saba6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This neighborhood is a wonderful place, tucked away halfway up the Aventine Hill. The main square named after Bernini is  the heart of the place. It’s lined with benches, tall pines giving lots of shade and dotted with flowers. Surrounding the square are the mini-villas that were built as public housing in the early 1900s. Each block of houses has its own garden courtyard ans was intended to house two families. The stones on the facades and in the gardens are all the same colors of the ancient Aurelian walls that surround the neighborhood and match the roamensque church that gives this place its name.This is another gem in Rome and today it was great because I could stay in the shade and enjoy the quiet whle the locals chatted and ate their lunch in the square.Buy this painting for $120 from my website.Thank you for your interest and for following the 120 Day Project.